Saturday, April 16, 2011

I am amazed...

Have you ever felt like life wasn't fair?  Perhaps you feel that life isn't going your way or that no one seems to be going along with your plans.  Have you ever felt like you were an outsider or that you were being singled out as an oddball?  Are there issues within your family that are in need of some God sized healing?  Are there things in your life that you say to yourself you just can't do?  is can't a part of your daily vocabulary?  Read this book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life by Nick Vujicic.  As the title will take all the afore mentioned personal issues and put them into a very clear perspective...I promise you won't leave this book the same person you were when you found it.
Thanks to Multnomah press for giving me this book free in exchange for this review as a part of their bloggers for books program.

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